
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tori and Dean in Hollywood and Good Spouses

Last night nothing was good on TV when the kids were in bed, so we watched the end of a Tori and Dean show. Have you seen it? Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are moving back to Hollywood and raising a family of two children who are really close together birth wise, (He has a son from a previous marriage who doesn't live near LA.). Anyway, in the midst of all the moving mayhem, she realizes that her son, Liam, isn't on a waiting list for a prestigious preschool in Hollywood. She finds out that for many of the best schools, he is already out because he is one year old and not on a waiting list. In short, many of the good schools are already taken. This show made me laugh because they freak out over the decorating the house, his preschool, every little thing. While I was going to sleep, for other reasons, I was thinking about Mike, and what a good husband/father he is. I was thinking of how I know my dad, as well as me, prayed for the person I would marry for a long, long time. I prayed frequently with long lists for my true love. I really believe that Mike is an answer to these prayers, actual proof in the flesh that God listens to and answers prayers. Then, I realized that I hadn't been praying for Jack and Molly's spouses. I started laughing because I thought, like Tori spelling, what if all the great spouses have already been requested in granted, like a giant heavenly dating service, because so many Christians who were more with it than me have years ahead of Jack and Molly in their parent's prayers. What if all the great ones have already been passed out, and because I waited until Jack was five and Molly was three, God is down to just the "good" list. Sorry kiddos. You might wind up with a spouse with a strange tick or habit that is really annoying because your ole Mom was dozing off the first few years of your life. Like Tori Spelling, I waited to long to get you guys in good with a good Christian family. I began praying last night for Jack and Molly to get them at least wait-listed in the heavenly dating game. I am wondering if anyone who reads these blogs prays for their kids or grandkids spouses?


Blogger Pearson Family said...

I do pray for my kids spouses, every once in a while. I should be more dedicated about it though...

I saw a Law and Order episode where a wealthy grandmother was killing parents who had children on in one of those kinds of preschools so her grandson could move up the wait list! That one came on at 3:00 am during a feeding!

12:49 PM  
Blogger said...

Well, there's hope for Molly & Jack, your Dad prob started getting you on the list at birth, but dear old Mom had to experience a few bull riders to start the praying!!! Ha, Ha You did okay - but it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and get them on the list!!!! Love, mama

6:00 PM  
Blogger Lisa Renee said...

I am just catching up on all. I LOVE the post about your mother and how you celebrate her. She IS a wonderful lady and you are so blessed to be her daughter. She shines in you as you mother Molly Ann and Jack.

This one just cracked me up. I was watching this show the other night where they were going to have to find a new place and Trent was SO dissappointed in me for entertaining it!

I have not been seriously praying for a spouse but more emphasis on the people that will be their friends as they grow up. I guess it has occured to me to pray for their spouses but I have not done so seriously. Hope Ty and O are not effected by lack of prayer either!

Got dates down, August 14th- August 18th. We are DEFINATELY doing Sushi!

10:12 AM  
Blogger bettysue said...

Well, Jodi, that's a two way street, you have to start training your children to be the kind of spouses that they need to be! That's hard, I think I've failed Sean's future spouse! I know I failed Matt, he's ok with the fact that I didn't train Sid to clean, but he'd much rather she had more skills in that dept!
Love you!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Nicole B said...

I hadnt thought about it before...but maybe I should start!

6:21 AM  

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