
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Jack Is FIVE!

Last night, both Mike and I agreed that we were only slightly less tired than the first night we spent with Jackson Patrick in Arlington, TX. Our waterheater broke and flooded part of our house, so we were dealing with water issues. I find an excellent metaphor for these five years in the flooding of our computer room, because time has gushed past me, leaving me slack jawed and in awe that five years have rushed around us so quickly. I am constantly so caught up in the moments of mothering, working and studying that the cumulative effect of these moments, although undeniable, is still hard to conceive. This time five years ago, I was completely off balance, scared to death, shocked at the pain, and dealing with the fact that my dad had almost died in the hospital on the same day my son was born. Our one and only visitor that first night was my brother, Cody, who drove all the way from Dallas in traffic to officially welcome my son to the family. My dad had an intestinal blockage, and to be honest, I thought he might die. He was very ill, but ultimately recovered. I love the picture when I first met Jack, and I apologize to those of you who may have weak stomachs. I am obviously joyful, as is my labor and delivery nurse. I have dwelled in this joyful, sometimes flustered and flumoxed state for these last five years. I am so grateful for this experience. It is truly unique and wonderful. I was in a constant state of prayer before Jack was born, I was worried I might die in childbirth, or that I would loose Jack during the process, but truthfully it was smooth and relatively stress free. I like the bottom pictures of Jack because his grin reminds me of his cousin, Max's grin. These pictures represent where Max is now now, and both boys have the most impish grins, like they really "get" life, and they love it! Tonight, we will celebrate his birthday with friends from school, and I am so excited to wish him another happy, healthy five years. I would be extremely remiss if I did not acknowledge that through this flood of time, God has guided us safely with no major losses or sorrows. I am thankful beyond words for this.

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Blogger bettysue said...

Wonderful, beautifully stated! Just great! Wow, time fly's, I can't believe your parents are as old as THEY are!

6:45 PM  
Blogger said...

Oh....wasn't Jack just the greatest!!!!excuse me isn't he the greatest!!! He still hasn't lost that beautiful smile!!!!! ps. I got the entire Star Wars happy meals toys!!! Next week, is Madame Alexander dolls!!! I miss you - Nana

7:52 PM  

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