Thankful Thursday
Three Things I am Thankful For Today:
1) Target: Seriously, where else can you shop for a swimsuit, grab Easter egg fillers, grab a pound of free trade coffee...caramel flavored, get a birthday present for a party along with all the accoutrements, as well as get hairbows, socks, and cardigan's for Easter morning, so your daughter will be fabulous! I LOVE you Target!!!
2) Surprise Fast Food Lunches with Hubs. It began with a quick text...and ended with a Chick fil a sandwich....True Love, and a moment to gaze into my beloved's eyes while I stuff my face with waffle fries. I LOVE you Chick fil a..I mean I love you hubs...and the waffle fries, too!
3) Daily Bible Readings that really confuse me: Thank you Paul via Romans 6 and 7. It reads like a postmodern analysis on what we should do versus what we actually do. It's a mind bend...certainly better than any book I've read lately. And, Paul, although I've been irked with you and your "women be silent" ways, I have to admit, you were an inspired writer that still puzzles and inspires folks to this day! I LOVE having a moment to read the Bible at 8:30 a.m., while mollers is still passed out in our bed!
Any good thankful things today?
I'm thankful that God let me enjoy you from womb, birth and now motherhood!
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