How's It Going?
I always said I'd know by Nov. if this job really is for me. It is almost Nov. We stand on a precipice. Our little school is about to get SLAMMED with new middle schoolers (I can't say exactly why...I can admit it is a group felony). We also picked up some high schoolers who were on the sauce at a school event. I've had to remove kiddos for disrespect, call parents, discuss all sorts of unpleasant topics. And. Drum Roll: It is still a ton of fun! I LOVE the people I work with. They are quirky, confident, and kind. I am currently making up roller derby nick names for us. (long story: one of the girls used to be rollerderby...we are actually making fun of her. she doesn't know it. i know i'm mean.)
Here are my names thus far. The first and last names are changed to help avoid detection.
Susan "I will put you on home bound" Wright.
Stanley "number crusher" orbitz.
Charles "schulz your mouth" schulz.
I haven't come up with my name yet.
The truth is, of course, that the people make the job. And, I really like them. Also, though, I really like the kiddos. They are extremely social inept, immature, and face hurdles (which they themselves placed) that I can't even imagine. It doesn't change the fact, though, that I love to teach them how to write well. I love to read Chaucer. I love to help them. So far, so good. I'll give a jobs report again in the Spring: that may be a different creature all together. ;)
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