
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Paging Mama Bear, and an Ethics Question

Today while I was getting in the car to meet Mike to come and teach, a 13 year old boy hit a baseball that hit my garage door and almost hit Jack in the head. (We live across the street from a little league baseball field). I was so angry, I went to give him a piece of my mind, and he actually said that it is a baseball park. Oh my gosh. I almost called the police I was so angry. My goal is to get signs up saying the park is for children and their coaches 10 and under. I am going to hire an attorney because I have had to confront grown men hitting balls at our house! I know I channeled my inner mama bear, but good grief. All I could think about was how Jack has been hit in the head before. I am seriously hoping he will be a band guy and play the drums or something. I never knew parenting was field with such emotion!
And, here is an ethics question I faced tonight. I have a student who had a baby. We have been told not to allow children in the classrooms for many reasons, among them liability reasons. The studen with the sick new baby wanted to come into the computer lab where we were working and type while her son slept. I told her we weren't allowed to do this, and I could loose my job. I did direct her to the open computer lab, so they could make the call. I have to admit, I felt like I was part of a program of oppression. And, at the same time, I was angry that she wasn't devoting all of her attention to her sick infant son who is only a month old. Then again, how will she ever get ahead in such a situation. What do you guys think? Ironically, my students are right now typing an essay agreeing or disagreeing with a 50 dollartuition hike to provide a on site child care for parents trying to get ahead. (I made this up before the problem tonight.)


Blogger Pearson Family said...

Did you see the guys playing GOLF! I called Stacey and asked him to call Curtis to go talk to the 3 grown adults TEEING off towards out homes! It is ridiculous! Let me know if you need any help! I bet you were mad! Poor Jack. I bet it scared him to death!

8:05 PM  
Blogger said...

WOW! I've been a mama bear - so I'm proud you just didn't hit the kid!!!!

5:14 PM  
Blogger Nicole B said...

So glad that Jack didnt get hurt. I think you did the right thing about your student. There are lots of places that she is allowed to go where she can bring her baby. Libraries, Kinkos, Office Max...there isnt a need to risk your job when there are other options. Very ironic what the paper was about thought...

7:12 AM  
Blogger Sidney said...

SO glad Jack didn't get hurt. You have every right to be furious! And I think you did the right thing with the student too. Once someone brought their kid to a test, it was such a distraction for everyone else.

7:40 PM  
Blogger bettysue said...

Who'd take a sick infant out at all!! Whew, it's going to be weird when we're all old, and they're running the country!
Yeah, there need to be some kind of guidelines in the park. Some sort of regulations, and enforced ones, so parents don't have to confront the people that have no sense!

5:42 PM  
Blogger The Brown Family said...

Am I understanding that he didn't even apologize for almost hitting Jack (only justified his actions by claiming it was a ball park?) Wow!!!
And the girl that brought her (sick) infant (a sick baby at a month? hum . . .) to school must have felt some sort of tremendous pressure or she was just too clueless or selfish to understand that she needed to put her baby first. Is there a policy against contacting your teacher when you have a sick child and working out suitable arrangements? I would expect more from a college student (that is mature enough to have a child???) Personally, I think a child care site for parents is a terrific idea -- but it wouldn't have helped this girl because her child was sick (and couldn't be in child care, anyway.)

5:51 PM  

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