
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Crazy Week Is Over

In a strange convergence of events, this last week was the busiest I have had in a long time. On Saturday and Sunday, Mike and I kept the nursery at our church. On Monday, my paper was due, and Jack and I went to a Mommy and Me Christmas party. Tuesday, Jack and Molly had school, and I was able to study for my final on Thursday night. On Wednesday, I had to transmit my grades for TCC and turn in my keys, but I found out I am going to get to teach a developmental English class at night next semester. On Thursday, I took a three hour final on Utopian Literature, and got my paper back. On Friday morning at 8:30, I went to a dentist appt. where I thought I would get a crown (I had a root canal on another tooth before Thanksgiving). Terry, my cousin in law, agreed to look at my teeth and see if he thought I needed a crown, and it didn't! YEAH! Literally, Praise God! So, cavity filled and my crazy semester ended up with probably the happiest patient Terry ever worked on. I am glad that next semester will be my last to take classes at UTA, but I have been doing it so long, it is hard not to look at the schedule and want to take more classes. I am also anxious to meet people who teach in the English dept. at TCC, because it is good for part time work. I have enjoyed being with students this semester, and I do feel at home in the classroom. I find many of the students at TCC so inspiring. They overcome so many obstacles to pursue their education. I enjoy feeling that I am helping them.
Also, Jack has been saying to sweetest things about his relationship with God, and he has been musing over what he learns at his preschool and our church. On Tuesday morning, he asked me if I knew God was coming back to this earth. I replied yes. I asked him how he felt when he heard that news, and he said "I was SHOCKED! JUST SHOCKED!" I guess it is shocking news, and somehow, if you've been a Christian as long as I have, it is easy to forget what an amazing promise we have in Jesus's second coming. Also, Molly Ann has been as sweet and onery as she normally is. The other day, she asked Nana to smell her bobo! She also addresses Mike and I like this "What's up, guys?" Or if it is just one of us, "What's up, babe?" At a party she went to last Sunday, she told her friends Jacob and Ely "What's up, Buddyboys?" Jacob's dad looked at me and asked where on earth she learned that. I had no answer. Last Saturday, our church had breakfast with Jesus, and we sang Christmas carols acapella. Jackson said, "Oh, mommy, that music is so sweet, I think my heart will melt." Though, lest you think he is angelic, he has also assured me if he doesn't get to open his presents early, he will "spank my butt!"
If you haven't seen it, Jack Mike and Molly are on Mike's blog dancing to HSM2, Bet on it. IT is pretty cute:


Blogger Unknown said...

Very busy week! I love the Breakfast with Jesus.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Pearson Family said...

I commented on Mike's blog, but forgot to comment on yours! I hope your week this week is a little less eventful!

6:48 PM  
Blogger Lisa Renee said...

Wow... I am tired now! I LOVE hearing about Jack and Molly- too sweet and FUNNY! They are going to be just as humorous as their parents no doubt!

6:04 PM  
Blogger amerriman said...

I loved catching up on your blog. I am trying to get to Mike's blog to see the video!

11:57 AM  

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