
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jack is Four!

Here are some pictures of Jack's early days with us. He turns four years old tomorrow, which is surreal and totally unbelievable. When someone asks how old Jack is, and I say he'll be four, I expect them to stop what they are doing, look at me slackjawed, and express awe and amazement. However, I guess that the rest of the world knows what I am slowly learning: babies grow up. When I see him, smaller than a pumpkin, or laughing like a one year old who doesn't know yet how to walk, I simply cannot believe that the baby in the pictures is the same baby who offered me "options" that I must accept for his bed time. As you can see, he was (is) a rolly polly baby who felt like butter in my hands. His skin was so soft, and his neck rolls so inviting that I literally stayed home just to kiss and nuzzle him. He is still a joy to be around, and I am thankful that four years ago, God blessed me with such a life changing gift. My life is made into two categories, before Jack was born and after Jack was born. I know this sounds crazy, but I, unlike most girls, never really cared about having a family. (I used to use my baby dolls to get out of church by telling my mom that my baby needed to be taken out. Then, I would sit in the nursery and read a book or something).Never wanted to get married. But, When I met Mike, that was it for me. He was my family. So, when we had Jackson, my love and devotion to him totally took me off guard. And, God has used Jack to transform my heart from selfish and self centered, to more unselfish and aware of the needs of those surrounding me. God is an amazing gift giver, as I have said here before. And, it is so like him to give a gift that will transform you to make you more desireable to him. So, thank you for changing my life through my son, Jack, whom I adore, God. I am definitely a better person because of this sweet, sweet child.

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Blogger said...

Jodi, those little pic's of Jack are so precious - he has really grown and has been such a joy!

8:01 AM  

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