
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Winter Coat

Hope you guys aren't offended by this, but since October I have been eating with abandon! In October, as we drove up to Houston, we stopped at a diner that was featured in Texas Monthly, some kind of Dixie place. I had chicken fried steak covered in peppery gravy and mashed favorite. Afterwards, when we stopped to refuel, I got a Twix Bar and a coke. Mike asked me if I was putting on a winter coat for the cold winter...of course, I hit him with as much of my girth behind that punch as possible and kept eating. I have eaten my way through the fall and now, I am warm and cozy and about 10 pounds heavier. To be honest, I am trying to fight the urge to burrow underneath my red oak or deck and sleep away my thesis! I am not sure there is enough caffeine in the world to jump start my metabolism or my desire to do anything but watch Top Chef while sipping a hot chocolate it is supposed to be sugar free). At least I have enjoyed Oprah's company in my winter coat endeavor. Alas, she has abandoned our coat factory and is opting for a healthier lifestyle. For Christmas, I made every cookie I could think of and ate as many as possible, while trying to look respectable. I even have a new favorite cookie: snow balls. They are like pecan sandies dusted with sugar and filled with white chocolate chips. They are heavenly, and I think I am carrying a snowball in each butt cheek. Since January, I have been trying to eat less, but it is soo hard, especially with my new kitchen aid mixer. Tonight, I made garlic foccacia bread....YUM! We have also had homemade pretzels, cake, and angel food cake! I am hoping to shed my extra winter coat, but I am having major difficulties. I had a friend pat my belly and ask me if I was expecting a third: I told her the truth was cookies and a lot of them, and I didn't even bat an eye or cry. Alas, I know that come tank top and swim suit weather, and I will have another break down in the Neiman Marcus dressing room as I curse spandex and swimsuits and consider the plastic surgery cards that are left on the table to the right of the dressing room. Perhaps this spring's swimsuit season will be the impetus that finally makes me move to Burlington, Vermont, where my winter coat will serve me well.


Blogger The Brown Family said...

Ahh, I know the feeling. The cookies, cakes . . . are so good! I hope you totally enjoy it.

6:15 PM  
Blogger said...

MISS JODI!!!! You know you are the MOST beautiful girl/woman in the world - There is no one in the world that has the will power as you do - I'm not worried one bit - and at the moment I love hugging the extra pounds - they'll be gone by summer!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Lisa Renee said...

HA! You crack me up to no end! My mother sent me home with a whole tub of those snowball cookies!!! I have been bad since Thanksgiving, totally fell off the work out wagon. I was going to start back Monday but then got the Flu Sunday and am still recovering! One thing that does help some is try to eat dinner at 6 and then nothing after. I swear by it.

When are you ever going to get on facebook??!!

1:26 PM  
Blogger bettysue said...

Why fight your heritage! Your mother and I are proud that we're "pleasantly round". We're much warmer for our grandbabies than janiebell was! I mean we're soft! On the other hand, I know what you mean, you are gorgeous, and would like to stay that way 'till the babies are out of high school. No, wait, 'till they get married! I remember trying like heck to lose weight for Dale and Kasie's wedding, didn't work!! Maybe wait till you're a Grandma, then eat your heart out!

5:33 AM  
Blogger Nicole B said...

i think I gained 14 pounds on Thanksgiving day alone! Still havent recovered. It's hard to be motivated when it's this cold and we are all bundled up anyway.

6:28 AM  

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