
Friday, August 04, 2006

Mike's "Kinky" political blog

My husband had the courage to write a blog about politics that reflects my feelings deeply. For a long time, (since college) we have both felt this way. Check it out. And feel free to disagree adamantly.


Blogger Lisa Renee said...

I remember many of those conversations. I agree mostly, however, it is hard for me to understand how some deomocrats can be prochoice, to each their own on homosexuality and all for free handouts to those who don't want to work and still be a Christian b/c the Bible is very clear on all these issues. My entire family, with the exception of me and one aunt, are democrats. My parents have told me they do not wish to discuss specific beliefs in religion, other than the fact that God is good, or politics and war. That is sad to me that we cannot have an adult conversation about it without them becoming offended when I just state my beliefs, but they want to be able to do the same just without dispute. How can you be so "open" to everything but not to other's views???? They will not answer that question.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Lisa Renee said...

Okay, I actually expanded a little more on Mike's. I realize I have a different family background than most of our friends. Sorry I wrote so long, its just that that is the part of the relationship with my family that saddens me the most.

11:39 AM  
Blogger 1literatimommy said...

It is sad when you can't discuss these things with your family; even if they disagree with you, Lisa. You are a great person and I'm so glad that you are my friend. :))

1:15 PM  

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