Inagural Book Club Book: Tracks by Louise Erdrich
Some girlfriends from church who love to read and I are starting a book club! The first book is Tracks by Louise Erdrich. This book is relatively short, but packs a powerful punch. Erdrich is a Native American novelist who rose to fame after winning a short story contest on the East Coast. She is an amazing writer whose attention is mostly focused on Native themes, as well as powerful women within a tribal viewpoint. But aside from that, this woman can tell a story! She weaves a narrative yarn that is intriguing and thoughtful, and her prose is filled with depth and heart. Tracks is most often taught in American Literature classes on campus, and in recent years has become an accepted canonical text (think famous American writers like Poe, Emmerson, Hemingway). Her attention to familial issues and dynamics is inspiring, realistic and very moving. Especially relevant is her concept of what constitutes a family. I hope that whoever loves a good book will join us. Anyone who reads this is formally invited. Try to purchase the book before our first meeting, the last MOnday night in September. We will either meet at the new coffee shop in Keller, or a Starbucks. Our first meeting is the last Monday in September, and you don't have to have the book read by them. We'll discuss it at our next meeting in October. Take some time for yourself, go to the half priced book store, and buy this book and get set for a fun, exciting time with the girls! Paige, if you come, I promise to buy you a lemon bar with your coffee! :)
I can't wait!
I hope I can make it. I am trying to catch up on blogs, so - sorry about Jack's accident, I don't know who was looking more forward to the jump party, Ryan or Ben? the evening out with the family sounded fun! The classrooms, very glad I teach high school - no decorating necessary!
Sounds like fun. I will look for the book at the library.
I have the I just have to read it. I am quite excited!
Okay, I am sitting in the denver airport, checking blogs on stacey's laptop while we wait for our flight and read this! I think you are trying to keep me from socializing with my friends. You know that you have just chosen the 3 things that would keep me from coming-reading, coffee, and lemon bars. you are too funny. I am sorry to hear about your class. It sounds like you are having a great attitude. Miss you!
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