
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Prayers Please

i'd rather not go into details, but we are supposed to take a trip and jackson has this weird noncontagious rash that we are bringning a note for. On top of that weird rash (pitorisus rosea), Molly now has a cough and a fever. :( Please say prayers that everyone will be well and we will be able to enjoy a short trip. I am taking her to urgent care today to rule out strep and ear infection. I feel like we have been sick so much lately: Molly and Jack have each had about a cold a month, plus Jack's weird rash. I am sick of being sick. I tallied it up, and just this winter and spring, the kids have been sick about 10 weeks. Now, we normally have good health, and it appears that the illnesses are just minor sicknesses, but with Mike working so much, it has been almost more than I can handle. (I am admittedly not the most organized, enthusiastic homemaker.) So, to be honest, with all this sickness, I am pushed to the limit. And now, on the eve of a short break, this. So, please just pray that we will be well. I know these are selfish prayer requests, for rest and a break from illness, when so much of the world lives in want for the basics, but I am a firm believer that God answers prayers, and the more you pester him with prayer, the more he answers.
One funny story about the rash. Jack goes to school in Colleyville, and one of the other moms calls it Colleywood. Have you heard that? That is hilarious! Anyway, he has had this rash for at least a month, maybe longer. I have been keeping his teacher informed: we had been to the doctor twice, both times they confirmed it is noncontagious. His teacher went to visit her mother, and on the day she was gone, Jack raised his shirt, and all heck broke loose. They immediately assumed he had chicken pox (it doesn't look like that really, there is a real difference). They called me, called Mike, and prepared a note to go home about Chicken Pox exposure. Luckily, Mike arrived before me and got it all worked out (accountants tend to respond to stressful situations in nonemotional ways, which is a good thing, as I have enough emotion for all of us). When I went the next time, I learned Jack and I were the talk of Colleywood: everyone was wondering who on earth would send their child with chicken pox. So much for HIPPA laws.
Anyway, I would appreciate your prayers for patience and good health.
Thanks so much!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Spring Festival at Independence Elementary

This weekend was the busiest weekend I have had in a very long time. I was
honored to do a shower for my soon to be sister in law, Lisa, and Mike worked the whole weekend while I hosted the inlaws. On top of that, my paper for Dr. Roemer's class was due, too. And, it was Mike's birthday weekend, so I had to plan a small shindig for that, as well. It was totally crazy. But, I did take time out with the inlaws, jack's gram and grandpa, to take Jack and Molly to the festival at Independence Elementary in Keller. It was very well run, very organized, and even though my kids were much younger than most kids there, they had a blast! I have the pictures to prove it. I am happy to say that after Nanna came for two days after the busy weekend, she helped me organize my house, do the laundry and write my paper. As a result, I have somewhat recovered. THANKS NANA!!! Now, I just have my final exam and I will be finished with 18 hours of my classes, and I am only two classes and a thesis away from my degree. When you are a stay at home mom with two kids under four, that translates to two more years. Oh well! Hope the weekend is great for everyone.

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