
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Book Club Monday Night

Our book club will meet next Monday night at 7:30 at Barnes and Nobel in Southlake to discuss the book Tracks, and to choose another book. I hope if you haven't bought the book or if you weren't able to attend our last meeting that you will purchase and read the book and attend the meeting. We had such a great time at our last meeting! Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rocking Clothes, Christian Message!

Forever 21 is my new favorite store! I bought a dress for a wedding Mike and I are going to in Houston, and when I got home, the bottom of my bag had John 3:16 on it. I had Mike google it, and we found this article that states that the owner of the clothing store, Don Chang, uses his bags to spread the message of Jesus. Some of you might think the clothes are a little revealing (sometimes I do, too), but I love the idea that when I got home today, I was reminded of God's love which became flesh and my salvation! So, if you get a chance, go by the store and check out their new fall line. They have baby clothes and men's clothes now, too. And, really cute long sleeve shirts for ten dollars! Here is a link to the article.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fun Email in Fours

If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Especially if you haven't updated your blog in a while. A very good friend of mine from school sent this to me, so I am just copying it as a blog.

Four Jobs I have Had
1. Working for a restaurant in a trailer at trade days named Margaritaville.
2. The night shift at Allsups convienence stores
3. First and Third Grade teacher
4. High School English Teacher

Four Places I have Lived
Okay, more than four but they are all in Texas!
1. Amarillo, Denton, Callusburg, TX
2. Paradise, Bowie, Abilene
3. Post, Houston, Arlington
4. Keller

Four TV shows I have to Watch
1. Amazing Race
2. Office
3. The Unit
4. Project Runway

Four places I have been on vacation
1. Europe
2. San Francisco
3. Puerto Vallarta
4. Vermont

Four Websites I visit daily
1. UTA
2. Ebay
3. My blog

Four of my favorite foods
1. Cookies
2. Cake with Buttercream icing
3. Black Beans
4. Chips and Queso

Four Places I'd like to be right now
1. Puerto Vallarta at the Camino Real beach
2. Las Vegas at the Black Jack tables
3. Camping at any state park in Texas
4. Right here in my house watching the wonderful rain; thanks, God!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thank God for Great Husbands!

Mike took the kids tonight and I got to go to Starbucks to read and drink a decaf tea! YEAH! It was so relaxing. He did bedtime all by himself! Thanks, Mike. And, on a separate but similar note, I was wondering what you girls think of this: Mike has offered to take the kiddos to Winters to see his parents without me, and I should be jumping for joy, but instead I am sad and wanting to cry to think about being in the house without them. Isn't this crazy? Please tell me that I should be joyful at the thought of getting work done for school, and not worried and sad about how lonely for them I'll be. And worried about how they'll be lonely without me. I need some advice. I am having a really hard time letting them go away from me. I worry that something will happen to them, that they'll be miserable or worse. I KNOW in my heart that they need to be around others, but it is painful for me to relinquish control. Do any of you ever feel this way? What do you do about it?

A Good Book; interesting reactions

This week for class, we read The Wind Done Gone by Alice Randall. If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. It is a beautifully written novel narrated by Cynara, a slave who lived on Tara with Scarlett, Mama and the others. Because of it's contraversial nature (the estate of Margaret Mitchell, the author of the original Gone With The Wind, filed an injunction causing it to have a sticker on it declaring it is a parody), I must add a disclaimer that if you are a true and avid fan of the original, this book might shock you. It is a post modern indictment of Gone With The Wind's portrayal of slavery. The discussions in class about this book were rabid and venemous. Because most of my classmates are civil war afficiandos, they decried this book's portrayal of Mama and Ashley. They took the book's characterizations literally, not figuratively, and they were deeply disgusted and offended. Not to give too much away if you plan on reading this book, but Randall created Ashley as a gay man who was in love with one of Prissy's brothers. It is actually kind of funny, but I think that might be insulting to gay people given that Ashley's character is so weak. However, my opinion was not shared by the class. They hated that Ashley was gay. It was surprising that it drew such ire from many of my classmates, except a few people, who shared my view of the book. (one of my classmates who liked the book also happens to be church of christ.) This made me think of homosexuality, and how it is a pet sin among many Christians, who see it as worse than any other sin, say like greed or pride. From what I understand, it is the 'gay agenda' that many christians hate. This is troublesome to me, because I obviously have a Christian agenda in my life. Everyone has some sort of agenda, and I don't think we should fault others for thinking that they are correct just as we believe, hope and have faith that we are correct. While I understand decrying sin, I cannot understand how homosexuality brings out the absolute worst in Christians, instead of the best. I am positive that Christ would be loving towards homosexuals, just as he is to me, a fellow sinner. While I totally believe that Christians should not advocate for this lifestyle, I believe that we should not view this sin as worse than any other. But having said that, I was just thinking it is amazing what kind of emotions literature can evoke, and how some authors, like Randall, can create books that invoke emotions. Words are amazing, and authors that manipulate them to invoke such emotions are true artists, whether you agree with them or not.