
Friday, March 06, 2009

Thanks Mike,Nana and Papa

I am finished with the first draft of my thesis! I turned it in today, after some funny, crazy happenings. The point is, though, that it is in. The first draft is out of my hands, and it feels exhilarating and stressful at the same time. When you've had a big project, you know that when it is done, the phantom of it stays with you for a while until you get used to putting down that burden.
I had some AMAZING help, though, and I really believe that I couldn't have done it without Nana, Papa and Mike. These people are such blessings in my life: they are tangible evidence of God's deep and enduring love for me. I am grateful for the help they have given me. These three people have stayed by my side, endured my whines, and watched Jack and Molly so I could focus on the various stages of my paper. Although, the end of this story has yet to be written: for instance, I don't know if it will be accepted by the committee, and once it is accepted, I may crumble in my thesis defense. However, I am pleased to have moved one more step forward, and I totally acknowledge the help I have received from my family.
I also had something really neat happen about Molly and Jack during my two week hiatus from blogging. The first is about Molly. Her teacher caught me and told me that "it is awesome to see when a child's heart for God like Molly's is!" I think this is the most amazing compliment I have every gotten about her. I love it.
And, Jack lost a tooth! We are so excited that the tooth fairy came to visit. I have pictures, which I swear I will post next time I am online.
In the meantime, I just want to say a prayer of thanksgiving for my amazing family and the many ways they reveals God's love to me!