A Morning Prayer Answered
Today, I am watching the snowflakes grow fatter and fatter, while my faith is being stretched and tested. Today, God answered a simple prayer from Jack. Jack watched the weather with me this morning, and the weatherman said it might not snow here in Grapevine. He began to cry. "I want it to snow," he said. I told him to pray about it. He told me to pray. I told him, no he could pray for snow, but to know going into the prayer that God sometimes doesn't answer prayers the way we want to. I feel horrible about this now. I lead Jack in prayer, because the first thing he wanted to say was "Lord, let it snow." I told him that first we thank God for our blessings, and then we can ask for additional things. I don't know if this is the correct formula, only one I have been taught repeatedly. He prayed. We watched TV. I snuggled with Molly only to hear Mike declare that it was snowing. Jack ran outside. He laughed. He yelled "Thank you Lord!" And I am still reeling because just last night, I was musing about how God doesn't answer prayers sometimes the way we want. I had just talked to a friend and laughed because we said God isn't a gumball machine where you put in good behavior and get out rewards. I still believe this. God is more than just the giver of good gifts. He defies human definitions. He is not a magic genie that provides whatever we want on command. Furthermore, I know many people who are righteous, have great faith, and have prayed for healing, jobs, peace ect. who have not had the response they want. God is still God in these instances, no matter what the CT scan says, no matter what the checking account says, no matter if you are homeless or have a beautiful home in the suburbs, God is still God outside of these things, and yet in them, too. As you can see, I am very confused and perplexed about how God works, and what prayers he answers and how. So, this morning, despite my confusion, I posted on FB knowing that my FB updates go to many unbelievers who would mock this simple assertion of faith that God would send snow because a 6 year old requested it. I sent it out because it is simply true. God answered Jack's prayer this morning. I went to the word for clarification, and this is what I found. In Matthew, Jesus is healing many people. Each one of them, he asks, "Can I do what you ask?" When they reply yes, they are healed. In Matthew 9:29 Jesus says "According to your faith will it be done to you."
I am not arguing that those who are not healed, those to whom jobs are not provided, those to whom spiritual healing isn't given don't have the faith to receive their requests. But, I am just pointing out that sometimes our God answers prayers quickly, concisely and decisively. He did this morning for Jack, who was grateful in a childlike, wonderful way. I am sure there is a lesson in this, but it is just beyond my level of understanding. I believe God is God and can do whatever he wants, but sometimes he doesn't. And the gap between what he does and he doesn't do is the fertile ground where our faith grows and matures. I cannot wrap my mind around our God and his power on earth and in heaven. I do not understand. Sometimes, I feel like Thomas: Lord, forgive my unbelief. Heal me of my earthly way of seeing and being in the world. Let me see what you see. But, that prayer itself is a scary one. I am afraid he just may answer it: and who knows what would become of me on this earth. A simple prayer answered can cause such turmoil. But, Thank you Lord for the simple, beautiful snow that floats down on this December morning. It is absolutely beautiful.