My sister in law had a great idea to list the top 100 things you'd like to do in your lifetime. Here are my top twenty-five, not in order of importance:
1. Finish MA....almost there
2. Return to teach High School English
3. Own a pair of Manolo Blahniks
4. Vacation frequently in Europe with my family
5. Publish a book or a poem in a nationally recognized literary mag.
6. laugh so hard I spit out my wine in Spain
7. Own an old home in Fort Worth Tx close to the museum district
8. Go on at least one overseas mission trip
9. Visit Africa on mission trip
10. Critique Patriarchy, including why on earth I want a pair of Manolo's....
11. Publish an article that makes people seriously consider inner hipocracy
12. Scream at the top of my lungs about how society has perverted Christ's mission
13. Ski in the alps
14. Teach molly and jack to ski
15. Raise one independently minded daughter to be whatever she wants
16. Raise one independently minded son to be loving and be whatever he wants
17. Teach children to adore Christ for the radical he is
18. Make my children laugh and find the humor and love in Bible Stories, esp. OT
19. Fall in love again with Mike at the Eiffel Tower
20. Dress elegantly...give up sloppiness forever
21. be thoughtful in all my words and spoken opinions
22. open up heart daily for cleaning from heaven
23. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE mundane moments in the day with my children
24. Take a train to Vienna
25. Go to Octoberfest and Celebrate what a wonderful life we have