Father's Day Two Days Late
I'll file this one under better late than never. Mike refused to celebrate his own father's day because it was Molly Ann's birthday. He kept telling me, this is Molly's day. It was so sweet! I was gonna post yesterday, but we wound up in the ER again with Molly: she was throwing up so much and couldn't keep anything downf or like 24 hours, so our doctor instructed us to go to the ER. They gave her a pill and she is fine now. Mike was up with her all night Monday, because I have no patience at night. I guess that is really an example of the kind of person he is, and this of course translates into the kind of father he is. He is selfless, which is such an attractive quality to me, at the same time it is so hard because it isn't a quality I possess. There are many examples of how Mike is a good father, thus a good husband. I really am proud of him, and thankful for him. I could go on and on forever, but I think it suffices to say that he is an excellent Christ-like example for me and our children: thanks, babe. I love you.
On the same note, I am also still blessed with my own father's example. He loves his children, grandchildren and our spouses. He is willing to help on an extended basis however he is needed. I love you so much, dad! Today, I am very thankful that I have two excellent father's who translate very clearly God's love for us!