
Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Quick Update

Last Saturday, Mike's grandfather died at 93. We travelled to Houston to attend the funeral. It was a sad time. Mike's dad is around 70; I can't imagine losing someone you've know for seventy years. Of course, he handled it with grace and dignity. It was actually nice to be with his fam., and to spend time with Myles and Lisa, both of whom I totally adore. The kiddos loved being with grammy whammy, so that was nice, too. We got back Wednesday at 3, and I had to teach at 6 p.m. Then, it was school on Thursday and Friday. I have been totally exhausted from all of the travel and kid managing. Mike took the kids today to Granbury so I could get some more work done on my prospectus, which must be accepted before I can begin my thesis work. Please pray for me right now: it is more stressful than I thought. Max was at my parents, so that means Molly and Jack got to play with their cousin, whom they adore. Last night we decorated jack olanters, and we are hoping they don't get smashed before Halloween. I will post pics later.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hall Johnson Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Jack and Molly's school is across the street from the Hall Johnson Pumpkin Patch. Both of their classes took field trips there this year, and I got to tag along. It was great day to go: the weather was perfect! They both had a blast. I learned that my daugther is wild and loves to play rough and tumble with the roughest of boys! And, Jack likes to take life easy through investigation and observation. He really loves his class; they both do. I like the one of him talking about the cows with his friends Wyatt and Michael. I am not sure what they are saying, something about poop, I think.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

An Update, Thanks Sen. McCain

Obviously, I had to put this update. I appreciate his courage standing up to his crowd of supporters who were off base and scary. Nicely done! This is the Sen. McCain I remember from the primaries 8 years ago.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Crazy, Hateful Rhetoric
I will let this article stand alone, and tell you I find this startling, scary and sad.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


About three weeks before Hurricane Ike decimated Galveston and the surrounding country, we were there for a quick visit. We got to go to our favorite state park, which sustained "catastrophic damage" in the storm. That means that in the background pics, the surrounding structures are no more. They have been washed here and there in the great tidal surge that flooded the island. The state park is not protected by the seawall that was built after the last great hurricane in 1912, so the surge moved everything around and in general, destroyed the roadways, the boardwalks and the facilities at the park. I understand in the wake of such destruction, people lost their homes and even their lives, so to be sad about a state park is silly. But this state park had become part of our family lore, and we visited every year except the year that Molly Ann was born. Jack visited there when he was in my tummy, and again when he was 10 months old. I have several pictures of them in the circle part of the structures at the park. For Jack's 4th birthday, he chose to visit Galveston instead of a having a party. We went in March of this year for Spring Break, and again just weeks before the Hurricane. I am thankful they are rebuilding the island, and I pray that those who have lost their homes and family members will be comforted. It is easy with all of the terrible things going on in our economy to just forget the loss the TExas coast has suffered. Personally, I am sad, but hopeful that it will grow back stronger and better.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

First Day of School and Meet the Teacher

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Fun Camping Pics!

My family went camping at Cedar Hill State Park. WE had a blast. Max, Cody and Nicole as well as my parents were able to go! Nana and Papa got a site on the lake. The ligh that day was perfect for pictures!

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Friday, October 03, 2008

My Funny, Funny Guy!

Tonight as we sat down to dinner, we asked who wanted to say the prayer. Jack said he would. WE all clasped hands and bowed our heads, only to hear Jack begin, "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, mumble mumble nation....under God. Amen." I asked if it was a prayer because he said God. He said, "yeah, we say that prayer every day in class." classic. And tonight, he got out of bed to tell us he needed to pee. We asked if he could take care of it, and he said, "uhh, no guys. Sometimes my brain just goes crazy. I'm true!" Which is his way to say he is being honest and truthful. So hilarious. On the way to school yesterday morning, he said that they were going to sell cookies and cupcakes at school for 2 dollars. I asked what for. He said, well, I think Ms. Bessie needs the money, but don't tell anyone!" hilarous!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Next 25

1. Finish Prospectus for Thesis.
2. Visit Berlin
3. Visit London
4. Visit South Italy
5. Vacation in Maine in late August
6. Okay, I am done. Just further evidence of my much more focused on me can I be? I am a little ill just thinking about it. Maybe for the next 60 or so, I can think of things that might help others. Yuck. Self critiquing sucks.