Jack and Molly before we went to the Easter Brunch at the City Club. Jack was STARVING because we, brilliantly, thought if we skipped breakfast, we could "get our money's worth at the buffet." Classy? You betcha!
He did end up eating really well, and he even tried lamb. I have to admit, although he hates veggies, he has yet to meet a meat that he won't try. He ate the whole thing, plus prime rib!
Molly ate really well, too. She loved meeting the Easter bunny!
On the Saturday before Easter, we went to the family Easter gatherine at N and P's. It was so much fun! I got to hold Emme and Myka...SCORE!!! They were both so precious! Emme spent a good amount of time with Mike, giving him precious gummy grins....how I miss those! It is so wonderful to have babies in the family! I got to give Myka a bottle of water, and she played with my arm in a way that I had forgotten both Jack and Molly did! Myka was so adventuresome! She is full of spunk, and Emme is full of gummy grins. The grown ups came up with games for the kids, which they loved! Jack and Molly hated to leave, and I have to say, I really do adore my family, and I missed those who weren't there so much!
It was a wonderful Easter. I got a special reminder of what Easter is all about at the nursery on Sunday morning. I kept a three year old of a friend of mine who promptly told me that "Jesus is Alive" and that the "tomb is empty!". How wonderful is that? In the service, our praise team lead "Mighty To Save" and I wanted to cry! I held on tight to my charm that I bought at ETSY, and it was so amazing to be reminded that Jesus conquered death 2000 years ago. Easter is truly our only hope. We are a blessed people indeed.