Jack the deal maker
These last two weeks have been very busy. A quick trip to Houston, Thanksgiving in Winters, and my dad's birthday this weekend in Granbury. I am also trying to write a paper for my class, but instead, I closed the window and decided to blog! (I am the ultimate procrastinator)! Jackson has done/said some hilarious things. It is so hard to hear your tones, phrases and words sneak up on you via your three year old. When we arrived at Winters, Jack got a little ignored initially. What did he do? Sneak out of the house and go to a tractor at least 50 yards away. I freaked when I realized he wasn't in the house, we all did! I ran around like a chiken with my head cut off, and Mike intelligently used his sense of deduction and realized that the gat was open, and that Jack had probably taken that path. He found him, thankfully, and Jack did not go outside without parental accompaniment anymore. Don't step on the cow poop was his favorite phrase to mutter while walking in the pastures. Molly was also surprised at the loudness of a cows moo, and she told us later, Cow was loud! She also has begun dropping things on purpose, then asking Mike and I "What happened?" This is hilarious, as she obviously knows what happened, and she always has an impish look on her face. The funniest thing lately is Jack's ability to "make a deal". Evidently we say this and don't know it? When faced with an unappealing option, he'll say, "let's make a deal", followed by a horrible option for us and a great one for him, and then he'll say, "does that sound good?" He also asks for five more minutes constantly, and has become aware of clocks. He goes to whatever clock is available and says, okay, when that says five, then I go! Today, though, was over the top. I started to leave him upstairs to begin lunch, and he said, "Hey, where are you going, old lady?" Excuse me? old lady? That was a low blow, but it made me laugh so hard! Not to long ago, while standing high above me on the playground equipment, he told me "you are too small to tell me what to do." That earned him a moment in time out. Still, three year olds, where do they get this? And, I have a feeling I'll be hearing these refutations for a long, long time!