
Friday, June 29, 2007

Two Great Blogs by Mike Cope

I am posting a link to Mike Cope's blog; although, many of you already have the web address. He has two very interesting, moving blog entries. Of course, any one who knows me knows that I desire a form of equality for women in the church. More than that, I believe that Jesus set the paradigm in a culture that viewed women as despensible property. Literally, since I took Jeanine Reese's Women in Christian Service at ACU, my understanding of women in the church has been in the process of a transformation. Regardless of what conclusion you come to concerning this issue, Mike Cope's thoughts are interesting. I so appreciate his willingness to be on the cutting edge of Church of Christ issues.
Here is the link:
Please keep our family in prayer, as we are going to celebrate Myles and Lisa's wedding this weekend. There will be lots of travel, excitement and stress, so prayers for safety and peace are much appreciated.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

World's Greatest Mom

Sure, you may think you have the World's Greatest Mom, but let me assure you, my mother takes the prize in this area. I have a long list of ways she has shown me love, and been an excellent Christian example for me. The first most amazing thing about our relationship is that it is entirely unique, and not based at all on her experience with her mother. Her birth mother gave her up, along with her sister. Then, her father had to place her in a children's home because he couldn't care for her. He quickly remarried, to literally the worst step mom in history. (Comparing her to Hansel and Gretel's step mother or Cinderella's step mom would be kind). Still, my mother was kind and compassionate with this woman until the day she died. When she had me, her first child, at twenty five, she only had her gut and the bible to go on. She daily modeled Christ's love to me. I am so blessed that she didn't have a Christian woman paradigm on which to base my rearing. She used the best example available to all women: Jesus Christ and his love for us. I am still so close to her; my children beg her to move in with us! I love her so much, and I am so thankful God blessed me with such a great mom. I was struck by this article in the New York Times: click on it if you have a moment.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tefertiller Tribe

As many of you know, I grew up in a small town north of Fort Worth. I am proud to be able to tell you about what two people from that town are doing. Shelly and Aaron (Shelly is the daugther of my high school Pal teacher, Aaron was the son of my high school government teacher) married shortly after high school. They have three children and one on the way. Their lives sound busy, but typical, right? Well, they have answered God's call and decided to be missionaries to Africa, mainly working on converting a nomadic, Islamic tribe. I think Shelly and Aaron are amazing in their obedience to God's call. I have a hard time just keeping my house clean and my two kids clothed and happy. But, they are headed to Africa! They are seeking funds: they need approximately 40 thousand dollars to pay for their mission and their lives once they are in Africa. Shelly asks first for prayers (she is wise beyond her years!), and secondly, for donations to help them. I am including a link to her blog. Mike and I, and my parents have agreed to donate what we can, so if you think you can donate any amount, even like five or ten dollars, that would be so helpful.
Here is a link to her blog!
And, if anything, first and foremost please keep them in your prayers. I know her mother (my favorite teacher of all time, and a person whom I greatly admire) would appreciate your prayers for safety as they prepare to go to Africa to reach people there. I try to imagine Molly headed off to Africa for Christ's cause, and I would be proud but oh so scared, too. You all know I believe fervently in the power of prayer, so please lift them up!

Friday, June 15, 2007



To the intangible Molly
Who tomorrow becomes
flesh, blood, tears and breath.

You, who of late have become
Impossible to ignore, though your visage is only
A fragment of dreams.

We will celebrate your arrival
With thanskgiving for the
Trecherous Odyssey you will navigate.

And, like the great Odysseus,
We will offer sacraments of thanks
To our God.
Without him, you will never escape
The perils of this life: not today, or ever.

Dear sweet Molly
Whose exsistance is summed up by a blip
on a solitary screen in one hospital.

Your safe arrival means everything
To us as we anxiously away the soft touch and sweet caresses you will become.

Molly, Molly Molly
We will utter that name infinitely
Over the years and not one time
We will do so without feeling a flutter in our heart.

Molly, Molly, Molly
Who we have not met
And yet, to us, you are the world.

Happy Second Birthday, Molly. I wrote that one day before we met our sweet girl! Many thanks to God, for his precious gift of these two years!
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Molly Ann Will Be TWO!

In an attempt to mentally prepare for Molly's second birthday, I have been taking pictures, first at the botanical gardens, and then sunday just right before church. I like "The Kiss" picture. I cannot believe two years have gone so quickly, and I find myself wondering how did I transition so quickly from being the mother of two children under the age of two, to the mother of a four and two year old? I am finding the verse about how our life is a vapor is especially true if you parent young children. They change so quickly! I try so hard to squeeze them at this stage, when they are soft and innocent, in the hope that this time will be indeliable in my mind. I cannot really remember much about their infancies now. (Thankfully, too, as that newborn stage can be a doozy!) It seems that who they are right now is who they have always been. With this realization comes a saddness, because I can recognize when they are nine and eleven, they will just seem like they have always been that age, and their toddlerhood will seem hazy and inaccessible. They are so cute right now, just the way they are! Jackson told me the other day that he wanted a muffin. When I told him to eat his broccoli first, he said "Mom, muffins are vegetables!" And, Molly told her dad that when she was at the pool today, monsters chased her! They both have a vivid imagination. And, they are so kind and yet selfish at the same time. Molly will worry if Jack is upset, but if he dares to lay a finger on her pretzels, he must prepare for her wrath. And, Jackson actually lays on his toys to hide them from Molly. When she wakes up from naps, he instructs me to put her back in the crib, because he doesn't like her! That honesty is refreshing and infuriating, and it typifies the essence of childhood. (And, the essence of humanity, really, if you stop to consider it.) Anyway, on the eve of her birthday, I am full of gratitude, thanksgiving, and longing. Longing for the future days we will share, and for the days that comprise the two past years. At times, those days seemed neverending, as the cycles of housework, diaper changing, and fits were my life. The days of those two years have passed slowly, but their cumulative effect has been lightening quick. At night, I must confess after prayers, songs, books and last sips of water before Jack and Molly are off to the land of Nod, I sneak in their room just to touch them, to feel the baby soft skin and rolls that still comprise their bodies. I find Molly's tummy irresistable, and Jack's hands who have in the past four years thinned to reveal actual wrists, but are still like downy stuffed pillows my haven as I pray to thank God for their physical bodies and beings. This physical link is the last I have to their baby stages, and when they are asleep sometimes I can almost convince myself they are still so small, when in reality they have grown so much. Those hands and tummies are my refuge, and just when I feel so overwhelmed from the work that is motherhood, night time falls and I can retreat to gaze in amazement at them. Sometimes, on the rare occassion that Molly Ann is still, I press my nose deep into her ringlet blonde curls just to smell her. And, remember that same verdant smell that was her right after she was born. When her hair was still wet from birth, I smelled her head in amazement. And sometimes, if she hasn't washed her hair, that scent remains. It is so hard for me to remember what she looked like as a baby, but I have pictures to remedy that. Thankfully, I can still remember her smell, and I can still feel her wrapped tight in a Bjorn as I chased after her not two year old brother at the park or the zoo. That feeling, her warm body laid limp in newborn sleep next to my chest, will be with me forever. I am convinced that somewhere in my mind, I will always be that mother: chasing a two year old boy with a baby strapped in a baby carrier on my stomach. It is part of me, it defines me, and it will always be a part of who I am, no matter how far from those days I find myself. And, for that simple truth, I am a grateful to God.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

One last pic

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Botanical Gardens

We went with Cousins Ava and Ian, and friends Doma dn Sophia. We had a picnic and just spent the day loving the weather.

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More pics

Here are some more of the pics i liked!

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Friday at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens

We went to the botanical gardens on
friday. I'll post more pics from the day!
It was a beautiful day; weather was perfect,
and the kids loved it.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


I realize this update is weeks overdue. We were able to cruise for a week, even though Molly was on antibiotics, and Jack and I were seasick. We had a great time as a family with my parents, who were so generous with their time watching the kids on the ship. It was nice to not do laundry, cook or clean for a whole week! I enjoyed Cozymel best, Mike liked the Caymen Islands. Anyway, I don't have a ton of time to update b/c so much time has passed, but my mom and I got to go see Falstaff today at Bass Hall. I think it has one more showing, and I highly recommend it. We were able to score floor seats thanks to a helpful Bass Hall Employee: we were like eight rows back. It was amazing to see a show that up close and hear the orchestra. Thanks, really, God, for the great seats. It was a treat. Jack and Molly have been busy resting up after their adventure traveling the Carribbean. And, I have been too. I have been under the weather: a sinus infection. The only thing I am really allergic to is MOLD! And, with all the rain, I am really having just a hard time breathing, not coughing, and with a sore throat. Anyway, June is a crazy busy month for us. We did Baby Goose's baby shower on Saturday morning at Neiman Marcus. IT was so much fun. Nicole's sister, Jessica, surprised her! YEAH!!! I loved her sister: they are both so kind and we are lucky to be tied to such a creative, intelligent and kind family. I am glad Goose will have these people as his aunt! Her brother is great, too. Anyway, Nicole looked beautiful, and the shower was a book shower, so he already has a library started. Hope your week goes awesome and that we get some sun to dry up the MOLD so I won't sound like Debra Winger after an ten pack all nighter at the local yocal bar!
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