
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy "Sick" Thanksgiving

A Confession: Recently, I've wondered why we call it turkey day if we eat turkeys on Thanksgiving. Not really a good day for turkeys...I hope they never name a day after me....just a random thought on little sleep this Thanksgiving. We've been sick here for two weeks! Molly came down with a cold two weekend's ago. I just tried to keep her hydrated, and motrined up. Then, Jack comes down with the same symptoms, runny nose that won't quit, lethargic, red yucky eyes. After his fever went up and his eyes looked like two red circles, I made an appointment on Monday morning at CareNow, because our pediatrician is in Mansfield. They got us right in, and after about thirty minutes, they looked at his ears. Double ear infection. I asked them to look at Molly, so they made her a chart and low and behold, she has an ear infection, too. I asked the doctor about requiring antibiotics for ear infections, as on top of no sleep and sick kids, I didn't want the added guilt of fueling the super-bugs that are antibiotic resistant. She said it was just a trend in medicine, and she'd been around long enough to know that ear infections and chest colds require antibiotics. I also got a lecture on letting Jack's cold go because of his asthma, the doctor said it is much worse on him. Although, when she listened to Molly's chest she said she sounded awful, too. We left the CareNow two hours after we arrived, with prescriptions in tow, and a hopefullness that our trip to Houston with Mike's family would not be ruled out. I went ahead and taught class--it was our final exam, and there is no way to miss it. Over the last week, Jack has just now started to get better. Molly Ann seems totally healed, but Jack's cough was so yucky last night he actually threw up green gunk. He was/ is still sick, although his eyes look better and his chest sounds better. Despite his gradual recovery, we finally decided on Wednesday night not to drive to Houston with two sick turned out to be a good idea. I went to Central Market late at night, bought some turkey and stuffing and made the rest of Thanksgiving dinner myself. Uhh, it didn't turn out great, or awesome, but it passed as a Thanksgiving dinner. This chest cold has been a real toughy, with a long incubation period, so we also didn't drive to Granbury for my parent's Thanksgiving. We did manage to expose Max last Saturday, but that guy escaped the worst of it, thankfully. (good immunity from daycare!). We are pretty tired, but we did manage to go to Neiman's at Grapevine Mills where they were offering incredible deals, and 20% off your total bill with your Neiman's card. We did quite well and knocked out a lot of our Christmas shopping. The mall was unbelievably crowded, so that was all the shopping we did. We missed being with our extended family, but I can tell my own family needed a relaxing time at home to heal and be well. It was a good reminder that the best gift we can possibly have is good health. So, even though excellent health eluded us this Thanksgiving, we seem to be recovering with massive amounts of cough syrup, decongestants, and antibiotics. Literally, thank God for modern medicine. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinners and time with their family.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

This Weekend

We drove to Dallas to give Cody his birthday present. Happy Birthday, Cody! We got to play with baby Max...he is such a smart boy! He can make the funniest goat sound, and when he shows us his "teeth", it is soo cute! I know the kids enjoyed visiting cousin Max. We tried to get some pics of the kids, unfortunately, most of them turned out like the one on the left. After visiting with Max and his parents, we drove to Harold's Clean Sweep. I must admit, I was pretty disappointed. The sales weren't great. I expected it to be rock bottom cheap prices, but Harold's actually hiked up the prices to try to get more out of their bankruptcy money, I guess. We have actually gotten much better prices there just on a regular day. The same shirts Mike bought for 10 dollars were now selling for 30. I know the price was listed at 90, but come on, who can really charge that for a untailored dress shirt. Anyway, then we drove to Ikea where we found great deals! We bought shelves for Jack's room, and a book shelf for Molly's room. Molly's book shelf was only 30 bucks, half price from its original. And, because I have been freezing, we bought a down comforter and a duvet, which I love. The down comforter reminds me and Mike both of European covers, and last night I actually dreamed we were staying at the Berger Pension again, where we spent three nights when we were in Heidelberg, Germany. Mike says that on all his trips to Helsinki, the hotels used the same down comforters. It is strange to be in the middle of suburbia, dreaming of Heidelberg or Vienna. It is funny, though I am sure that is what middle class suburban dreams are made of, thoughts of quaint hotels in Europe and wonderful Disney vacations. (My dreams, at least) Frau Berger, the lady of the Berger pension, was a tart filled with personality. I know we were too young to stay there; most of the guests had like thirty years on us. Anyway, I guess that is why I love is neat to have something so European here in the states, a mere drive away. Here are pics of the kids rooms. I really have to say I think both of their rooms are too cute now. I hope everyone else had a great weekend, too.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

True Story, I Swear

I was in the kitchen tonight, and Jack comes in and asks me if I want a present. I say sure, thinking he has drawn a picture or something. He leads Molly in walking backwards, and she has her undies down. She points to her bobo and says, "here". I couldn't help but laugh, which of course garnered that trick over and over. I think we need to just say no to cable tv or something.

Back to the Newborn Days

No, I'm not pregnant. Molly Ann has been sick since Sunday with a chest cold. When she has a chest cold, she throws up in the middle of the night. Mike and I have been up all night off and on with her, patting her back and sympathizing. I have to admit, he is a little better at night than I am. Usually, though, after a few nights without sleep, I hit my stride and am okay.
My point, though, with this blog is that although you leave those sleepless newborn nights behind, sometimes you get slapped back with a reminder of what is was like. WE are here with Molly right now. I have to admit, though, now that I am used to it, I really love taking care of her. She gives me sweet fake yucky faces, whines that she needs sprite, please, and otherwise is pretty cute when she is sick. Her hair sticks up like a hurricane has ravaged it. I am sure I'll never get the tangles out when I see her in the morning. I love this crazy girl! Even when she is whiny and sick and I am tired. I think she is getting better, though we were up last night with her. I slept next to her from 2 until 7. I love the feel of her cold body next to mine. (yes, for some reason she sleeps cold. IT is strange, and funny. Maybe she is part vampire? I would love it. ) She kicks all the covers off, kicks me, tries to place her legs on top of me, grabs my arm and coughs in my face. And, I can't help but smile!
What about you guys? Is there a time when unexpectedly, you fall madly in love with your children again, with their wild hair, gagging coughing and all?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Funny Jack Stories

I am sure these stories will embarass him later, but he has been too funny lately. I'll admit, during each of these episodes, I was just a smidge embarassed for sweet Jack, but after confiding in my friend Jill, and my mom, they encouraged me to share the stories because they were hilarious.
Here goes:
In October of this year, I went to pick up Jack at school when his teacher flagged me down and asked for a chat. YIKES! I always try to get in and out as quickly as possible. She said that while she was putting on Jack's shoes, (he still hates to do this himself, although he is able, I swear) he began spitting bubbles out his mouth all the way down his shirt. She tells me his shirt was actually wet: Yuck. Anyway, she asked him why he was doing this. He replied that his brain was going crazy, and this caused him to spit. (At this moment she paused, looking at me with a pained, confused, and worried look on her face. I know she wondered if it was epilepsy, or another serious medical condition.) I told her I would talk to Jack and determine if a visit to the doctor to rule anything out was in line. When we got in the car, I said, Jack did your brain go crazy at school. He said, yeah, my brain when crazy thinking about robots and stuff, and then it made extra brain juice which I had to spit out. After he retold this story several times, I explained that teachers don't like to clean up brain juice, and he just needs to go to the bathroom to spit if he finds himself in such a predicament. Problem solved: no more brain juice incidents at school.
Second story:
I get a call from Ms. Bessie, his teacher, at 11 a.m. because she is worried about Jack. He has been scratching his head with his fingers so many times, and now he is on the carpet scratching his head on the carpet. She has checked him for lice, but is worried his allergies/asthma is causing problems. I rush to school to find that he is fine. WE get in the car, and I ask him what on earth happened. He tells me the fire ants jumped from Wyatt's head to his head, and they are trying to get into his brain. He has to get rid of them. You know, like Matty when she has fleas he says. No more itching the whole rest of the day nor the weekend. I told him not to scratch off the fire ants any more.
Third story:
I took a day with just Jack and left Molly at school. When we get in the car, I tell him how pleased I am that it is just us. I tell him I can't believe how much he has grown up. He explains that he doesn't want to grow up at all, because....he doesn't want me to get old and wrinkley. He thinks I am pretty like this, and as he gets older, he is sure I'll get wrinkles and get ugly. Uhhh. I assure him I will get wrinkley and old, but I will still be the same mommy who loves him. I don't think it helped.
Fourth Story
I told him the names of the candidates for the election. I did not discuss who we were voting for, as I didn't think it was important. I asked him who he would vote for, and he said John McCain. I asked him why, and he said that Barack Obama's name was weird and that he wouldn't vote for him. (Mike and I supported him throughout the primaries, and really liked Obama). It made us laugh so much to think about how that is exactly what the strategy against Obama was, that he was weird, scary, and an unknown. His name, especially his middle name, wasn't like our names. Note to the GOP, if my five year old develops a similar campaign strategy as you, you probably need to hit the think tank again and work on a new strategy.
He has been sooo funny lately, and I just wanted to save these memories so that if my brain makes extra juice, they won't be swept away!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Paging Mama Bear, and an Ethics Question

Today while I was getting in the car to meet Mike to come and teach, a 13 year old boy hit a baseball that hit my garage door and almost hit Jack in the head. (We live across the street from a little league baseball field). I was so angry, I went to give him a piece of my mind, and he actually said that it is a baseball park. Oh my gosh. I almost called the police I was so angry. My goal is to get signs up saying the park is for children and their coaches 10 and under. I am going to hire an attorney because I have had to confront grown men hitting balls at our house! I know I channeled my inner mama bear, but good grief. All I could think about was how Jack has been hit in the head before. I am seriously hoping he will be a band guy and play the drums or something. I never knew parenting was field with such emotion!
And, here is an ethics question I faced tonight. I have a student who had a baby. We have been told not to allow children in the classrooms for many reasons, among them liability reasons. The studen with the sick new baby wanted to come into the computer lab where we were working and type while her son slept. I told her we weren't allowed to do this, and I could loose my job. I did direct her to the open computer lab, so they could make the call. I have to admit, I felt like I was part of a program of oppression. And, at the same time, I was angry that she wasn't devoting all of her attention to her sick infant son who is only a month old. Then again, how will she ever get ahead in such a situation. What do you guys think? Ironically, my students are right now typing an essay agreeing or disagreeing with a 50 dollartuition hike to provide a on site child care for parents trying to get ahead. (I made this up before the problem tonight.)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Election Results Are In

from Jack's transitional kindergarten class.
Obama 6
McCain 5
Chloe the Chihuahua 1

I know McCain is very frustrated with Chloe. How could she come out with such an awesome movie highlighting the benefits of free travel between Mexico and the US!

It is also funny the names the students came up with for each presidential candidate:
Aqua Bama
John McCain
John McVane
Bach Bahama

If you haven't checked out Mike Cope's blog on this Election Day, go ahead and check it out. Very uplifting. I myself, no matter the outcome, am thankful we live in a country where we can vote!