Happy "Sick" Thanksgiving
A Confession: Recently, I've wondered why we call it turkey day if we eat turkeys on Thanksgiving. Not really a good day for turkeys...I hope they never name a day after me....just a random thought on little sleep this Thanksgiving. We've been sick here for two weeks! Molly came down with a cold two weekend's ago. I just tried to keep her hydrated, and motrined up. Then, Jack comes down with the same symptoms, runny nose that won't quit, lethargic, red yucky eyes. After his fever went up and his eyes looked like two red circles, I made an appointment on Monday morning at CareNow, because our pediatrician is in Mansfield. They got us right in, and after about thirty minutes, they looked at his ears. Double ear infection. I asked them to look at Molly, so they made her a chart and low and behold, she has an ear infection, too. I asked the doctor about requiring antibiotics for ear infections, as on top of no sleep and sick kids, I didn't want the added guilt of fueling the super-bugs that are antibiotic resistant. She said it was just a trend in medicine, and she'd been around long enough to know that ear infections and chest colds require antibiotics. I also got a lecture on letting Jack's cold go because of his asthma, the doctor said it is much worse on him. Although, when she listened to Molly's chest she said she sounded awful, too. We left the CareNow two hours after we arrived, with prescriptions in tow, and a hopefullness that our trip to Houston with Mike's family would not be ruled out. I went ahead and taught class--it was our final exam, and there is no way to miss it. Over the last week, Jack has just now started to get better. Molly Ann seems totally healed, but Jack's cough was so yucky last night he actually threw up green gunk. He was/ is still sick, although his eyes look better and his chest sounds better. Despite his gradual recovery, we finally decided on Wednesday night not to drive to Houston with two sick kids...it turned out to be a good idea. I went to Central Market late at night, bought some turkey and stuffing and made the rest of Thanksgiving dinner myself. Uhh, it didn't turn out great, or awesome, but it passed as a Thanksgiving dinner. This chest cold has been a real toughy, with a long incubation period, so we also didn't drive to Granbury for my parent's Thanksgiving. We did manage to expose Max last Saturday, but that guy escaped the worst of it, thankfully. (good immunity from daycare!). We are pretty tired, but we did manage to go to Neiman's at Grapevine Mills where they were offering incredible deals, and 20% off your total bill with your Neiman's card. We did quite well and knocked out a lot of our Christmas shopping. The mall was unbelievably crowded, so that was all the shopping we did. We missed being with our extended family, but I can tell my own family needed a relaxing time at home to heal and be well. It was a good reminder that the best gift we can possibly have is good health. So, even though excellent health eluded us this Thanksgiving, we seem to be recovering with massive amounts of cough syrup, decongestants, and antibiotics. Literally, thank God for modern medicine. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinners and time with their family.